Car Park Management For Leisure And Tourism Industry
For businesses in the leisure and tourism industry, smooth operation of car parks is essential. Tailored car park management services provided by Have A Nice Car Park Ltd can prevent misuse and ensure spaces are reserved for customers, which is vital for business growth. A lack of parking can equate to lost revenue, and over time, this can significantly impact your business. This post will explore various parking solutions that can be combined to meet your specific needs without being limited to a single option.
For those who wish to offer free parking to certain individuals, such as customers or staff, an online permit system can be implemented to register approved vehicles. Additionally, a parking kiosk can be installed at the reception, allowing customers to enter their vehicle registration, thus reducing administrative tasks. For situations where parking fees are desired or for those not included in the permit list, the following two solutions will address these scenarios.
EnquirePay and Display System for Leisure and Tourism Parking
The most common solution for leisure and tourism parking facilities is the Pay & Display system. This option enables you to charge for parking. The advantages of this system include:
- Generating additional revenue for your business.
- Deterring non-customers who are unwilling to pay for using the parking space.
- Ease of management: we handle the installation and maintenance of your machine at no cost.
- No administrative hassle: customers can self-service using the Pay & Display machine.
- The ability to accept both cash and card payments.
To implement this, you need a car park Pay & Display machine installed in your parking area. We offer installation and provision of the machine free of charge. Additionally, we can establish an online payment system for you. This allows customers to pay for parking via a website on their phone. As for enforcement against non-payers, that's where parking enforcement comes into play.

Manage Your Parking Charges

Parking Enforcement
Parking enforcement involves issuing parking charge notices to individuals who violate the regulations of your car park. This is crucial for leisure and tourism businesses, especially those in high-traffic areas with nearby amenities. Such locations inevitably draw numerous individuals who may use your parking facilities, regardless of whether they are patrons. The issuance of parking charge notices is an effective method to deter non-customers from occupying your parking spaces. We can assist in implementing a parking enforcement strategy tailored to your needs.